
Radiance 3.5 User Manual

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histo (1)


histo - compute 1-dimensional histogram of N data columns


histo xmin xmax nbins
histo imin imax


Histo bins columnular data on the standard input between the given minimum and maximum values. If three command line arguments are given, the third is taken as the number of data bins between the first two real numbers. If only two arguments are given, they are both assumed to be integers, and the number of data bins will be equal to their difference plus one. The bins are always of equal size.
The output is N+1 columns of data (for N columns input), where the first column is the centroid of each division, and each row corresponds to the frequencies for each column around that value.
All input data is interpreted as real values, and columns must be white-space separated. If any value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, it will be ignored on the input. (I.e., it will not contribute to any frequency count.)


To count data values between -1 and 1 in 50 bins:
histo -1 1 50 < input.dat
To count frequencies of integers between 0 and 255:
histo 0 255 < input.dat


Greg Ward


cnt(1), lam(1), neat(1), rcalc(1), tabfunc(1), total(1)
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